Federal LECFTF Funding to Purchase 107 Tasers and Equipment from Taser International X 26E Advanced Tasers for the Gainesville Police Department (B)
This item requests that the City Commission appropriate and expend an amount not to exceed $125,000 from the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Fund for the purchase of 107 tasers from Taser International X 26E Advanced Tasers and associated holsters, cartridges, and replacement batteries for the Gainesville Police Department. This will outfit all of the remaining Gainesville Police Department with the exception of Administration
The X 26E Advanced Tasers provides a safer, more effective tool for law enforcement officers facing situations that pose threats to their safety and the safety of others. The Tasers are reliable devices that utilize innovative technology to stop resistive suspects and provide effective alternatives to other types of force. The Gainesville Police Department already has some tasers in patrol and has assessed this to be an effective tool for law enforcement.
As of 2006, Florida State Statute 943.1717 mandates what use of force level a Taser must be placed and also mandates the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Committee (CJSTC) create specific training topics, hours and recertification requirements. The Gainesville Police Department will follow or exceed both the Florida State Statute and CJSTC requirements in both policy and training.
Fiscal Note
Funding is available from the Federal LECTFT for $113,395. The balance of the account is $2,097,539.04
The City Commission authorize the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $113,395 from the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund and issuance of a purchase order to DGG Taser Inc for the purchase of 107 tasers and associated equipment.