Architectural Services for Proposed Additions to Springhill Service
Center (B)
Staff recommends approval of the final ranking of the architectural firms and authorization to negotiate a contract in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) for architectural and engineering services for proposed additions to the Springhill Service Center.
The Springhill Service Center is the base of operations for the Utility's Energy Delivery Gas and Electric Transmission & Distribution Divisions, engineering and related professional personnel, and associated support vehicles and equipment. The proposed additions to the facility include a multi-purpose meeting and training room for Energy Delivery, bathroom facilities and bulk storage containment area for Fleet Maintenance, and a re-design of the Warehouse building to incorporate covered parking for electric line trucks.
Utilities Purchasing issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) for Architectural and Engineering services for the additions to the Springhill Service Center to ten local architectural firms. The RFSQ was advertised in the Gainesville Sun and was posted on GRU's website. Three firms submitted Statements of Qualifications, which were ranked after evaluation of the submittals and discussions with the firms in accordance with the criteria established in the RFSQ and the CCNA.
The following three firms are listed in the order of ranking and a tabulation of the evaluation is attached for your reference: Brame Architects; Rickman Partnership, Inc., and Karl Thorne Associates, Inc.
In accordance with the CCNA, staff is recommending initiating contract negotiations with the top ranked firm. If staff is unable to negotiate an acceptable contract with the top ranked firm, it may initiate negotiations with the other firms in order of ranking.
The City Commission: 1) approve the final ranking of the qualified firms i...
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