Janitorial Services Contracts (B)
Staff recommends award of contracts for Janitorial Services for various Utility facilities.
Janitorial contracts are required to clean the administrative areas, restrooms, and designated areas based on the specific requirements for each facility. In addition to general cleaning and trash removal, bi-annual carpet cleaning and floor waxing is included in the service requirements. Facilities that will be maintained by the contracts include the GRU Administration Building, the Springhill Service Center, and certain facilities located in the SE 5th Avenue Compound (Operations Center, Field Services, Water/Wastewater and the Wellness Center).
Purchasing issued a Request for Quotation for janitorial services to 29 prospective janitorial companies. A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held with fourteen companies attending. Thirteen bids were received, including one no bid. The submittals were evaluated based on pricing, qualifications of the business, commercial cleaning experience, references, past performance and local vendor preference. The term of the contract will be for one year, with up to four one-year extensions of the contracts which includes provisions for price increases based on performance and the CPI adjustment from the previous year.
Warjon Inc. d/b/a Coverall of North Central Florida (Coverall) submitted the best evaluated bid for the Springhill Service Center and the 5th Avenue Compound, excluding the GRU Administration Building. C & S Building Maintenance Corporation submitted the best evaluated bid for performing the services at the GRU Administration Building. Both companies are small, local businesses.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manager, or her designee, to execute one year janitorial service contracts with Warjon Inc. d/b/a Coverall of North Central Florida for the Springhill Service Center and certain Utility facilities located in the downtown a...
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