College Park University Heights Advisory Board Workshop (B)
The College Park University Heights (CPUH) Redevelopment Advisory Board would like to have a Saturday workshop with the Herbert Halback, Inc., the consultants who have been hired to rewrite the redevelopment plan. The Advisory Board is interested in exploring a range of options with the consultants including land acquisition strategies, potential redevelopment projects along University Avenue and strategizing about ways to handle key redevelopment issues within the district. This workshop was not a part of the original contract and the CPUH Board would like the CRA to amend the contract to include $4,860 to cover preparation for the workshop, the workshop itself, and follow up.
Fiscal Note
The CRA has $370,941 budgeted in MY 618-790-W710-5520 that could be used for this expense.
College Park University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board to the CRA: recommend additional funds of $4,860 be budgeted for the Advisory Board workshop scope of services.