Graffiti Abatement (NB)
This item was referred to the Community Development Committee on June 18, 2001. The Committee has discussed this item and then heard update reports from staff several times over the past few years. It was determined that graffiti abatement should be handled through the Solid Waste Division. The Solid Waste Manager has worked in conjunction with Keep Alachua County Beautiful (KACB), and has a contract with KACB for various services including graffiti abatement. In addition, Solid Waste has an inmate crew for cleanup, which involves cleaning up litter and illegal dump sites.
Solid Waste staff works with Code Enforcement and the Police Department's Environmental Task Force, communicating closely on graffiti, and assists as GPD prosecutes people who deposit material at illegal dump sites.
The CRA also has contracts with private service providers for various types of cleanup, including graffiti removal. The CRA has an agreement with businesses when they enter into the facade program, to allow graffiti removal from their buildings.
Fiscal Impact
The Solid Waste Division has a yearly contract with KACB in the amount of $20,000.
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: Remove this item from the referral list.