Selection of Consultant for Preparation of Blight Findings, Revision of Redevelopment Plan and Expansion of Eastside Community Redevelopment Area (B)
Staff has ranked consultants for the preparation of blight findings and, if appropriate, update of the redevelopment plan for the Community Redevelopment Agency's Eastside District.
On January 9, 2006, the City Commission authorized staff to issue a Request for Qualifications and authorized $15,000 in funding for a consultant to prepare blight findings for expansion of the Eastside Community Redevelopment Area. On February 20, 2006, in its amendatory budget, the Community Redevelopment Agency authorized funding for preparation by the chosen consultant of an updated Eastside Redevelopment Plan to cover the expanded area.
Staff issued the request for qualifications and five consultants have responded. Staff has ranked the consultants and recommends one of the consultants to the City Commission based on staff's evaluations. The Community Redevelopment Agency has also considered staff's rankings and recommendation for the top-ranked consultant, on May 15, 2006. The rankings are as follows: 1) Asset Property Disposition, Inc. (APD), 2) Wilson Miller, Inc., 3) Herbert-Halbeck, Inc., 4) Land Design Innovations, 5) Strategic Planning Group and 6) The RMPK Group, Inc.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission has approved $15,000 for funding of blight findings for the proposed expansion area. More funds may be necessary as the contract is negotiated, given the very compressed time frames necessitated by new state legislation. Staff recommends adding $3,000 to this budget, from the City Commission contingency fund. There is $67,771 available in the contingency fund.
The City Commission: 1) approve staff's ranking of the proposals; 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract with the top-ranked consultant for the Eastside expansion bl...
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