Final Plat approval of Sorrento Subdivision, Phase II, Located in the Vicinity of Northwest 21st Drive and Northwest 53rd Avenue. Petition 117SUB-03DB (B)
The City Development Review Board considered a request to approve a design plat of Sorrento Subdivision, Phase II, at a public hearing held October 9, 2003. By a vote of 3-0, the Development Review Board approved Petition 117SUB-03DB with staff conditions. On November 10, 2003, the City Commission approved the design plat for Phase II.
The petitioner is proposing to develop the second phase of a four-phase residential Planned Development (PD) that was approved by the City Commission in 2002, allowing up to a total of 300 dwelling units. The development will consist primarily of 225+ single-family detached dwelling units and up to 75 single-family attached, condo-style, dwelling units, depending on market conditions at the time, with the PD having a maximum overall density of 4.14 dwelling units per acre. The single-family residences are to be developed on individual lots ranging in widths from 25 feet to 75 feet, with the narrow 25-foot wide lots being utilized primarily for the attached single-family dwelling units. The smaller lots could also be combined and utilized as lots for detached single-family residences. In this phase, the petitioners are proposing to develop 84 lots of single-family detached dwelling units on 22.735 acres, more or less.
Fiscal note
Planning staff to City Commission - The City Commission adopt the resolution.