Depot Avenue Rail Trail Improvements (B)
Construction plans are progressing for improvements proposed for the Depot Avenue Rail Trail. This project consists of trail improvements for a ΒΌ mile segment of existing trail beginning west of the SW 13th Street overpass and continuing east to the western pavement edge of SW 11th Street. The improvements consist of resurfacing the trail at its current width, installing benches, trash receptacles, landscaping, and lighting. Shands Hospital is planning to adopt the CRA design for its portion of the trail west of the 13th Street overpass. This project also includes a trail-user guide sign system for the entire existing 3 mile Depot Avenue rail trail. The guide signs are intended for use by various trail users such as pedestrians and cyclists and consist of gateway, warning, interpretive and directional signs.
The landscape architecture firm of Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin, Inc. is preparing the construction plans for this project. Staff received construction plans at 60% completion on October 29th in accordance with the project schedule. The construction plans specify the locations of the streetscape equipment, signage and landscaping as well as specifications and construction details. CRA staff is researching lighting options with the assistance GRU. Glatting Jackson submitted plans and specifications for the guide sign system along the rail trail. The firm provided examples of messages typically used to inform trail users regarding traffic safety and destinations. Proposed sign locations and conceptual designs were prepared for consideration.
Staff reviewed these plans with the College Park University Heights advisory board on November 7th. The comments were supportive of the improvements layout, material selections and guide sign design. The plans were also reviewed by the City Arborist, who recommended changes to plant materials and planting locations. GRU has also provided ...
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