Status of the Remediation Work at the Cabot-Koppers Superfund Site (B)
The purpose of this item is to hear a presentation from Rusty Kestle, Remedial Project Manager, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Kelsey Helton, Professional Geologist II, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency (FDEPA) on the status of the Cabot- Koppers Superfund site. **STAFF PRESENTATION 15 MINS**
Since the last update, Beazer East, Inc. (Beazer) and Cabot Corporation (Cabot) have completed a number of tasks as a part of the remediation of the Cabot-Koppers site. USEPA and FDEP will update the Commission on the tasks completed and the status of the overall project.
The Cabot-Koppers Superfund site consists of 140 acres located in the City of Gainesville, Florida. The site is made up of two properties: the Cabot property and the Koppers property. The western portion of the site is the Koppers property which includes 90 acres. The eastern portion of the site is the Cabot property which covers 50 acres. Beazer is responsible for cleanup of the Koppers site. Cabot is responsible for cleanup of the Cabot site.
The Koppers property was a wood treatment facility that operated between 1916 and 2009. Businesses and residential units border the site to the north, west, and south of the site. The Gainesville Public Works Complex and Springstead Creek are located to the northeast of the site. The Cabot site and undeveloped lands border the site to the east.
The Cabot property produced pine based products and charcoal. Currently, a shopping mall, car dealership and several other businesses operate on the Cabot Corporation site.
In 1984 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) placed the Cabot-Koppers site on its Superfund Program’s National Priorities List (NPL) because of contaminated soil and ground water. Beazer East, Inc. and Cabot Corporation are the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the clean-up.
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