Bus Shelters (B)
The CRA is working with the RTS (Regional Transit System) to replace bus shelters in the CRA redevelopment areas. The existing bus shelters are of a variety of different styles and ages. Many of the shelters have maintenance issues (accumulated leaves, fading paint, lack of visibility) that have arisen due to the shelter’s design. Other sites lack shelters and may present opportunities for installing them. The hodge-podge of design styles and maintenance issues creates aesthetic problems that detract from the CRA’s efforts to improve primary corridors such as University Avenue and SE Hawthorne Road. CRA staff discussed these issues concerning shelters on West University Avenue with the CPUH advisory board on August 1, 2007. The board agreed to pursue a unified approach to shelters that coordinates with CRA enhancements and recommended moving forward with developing a new design.
Staff is planning to install 3 test sites in the CPUH redevelopment area to evaluate the bus shelters. These sites are 1402 and 1826 West University Avenue and at the new Wildflower apartment complex on SW 13th Street. After an evaluation period, a decision will be made concerning the expansion of the bus shelter installation to other CRA redevelopment areas.
On August 20, 2007 staff gave a presentation to the CRA, including the CPUH recommendation, highlighting the need to enhance the shelter design. Staff discussed the design criteria developed by CRA and RTS staff. These criteria consist of several design points, including removing roof gutters, improving paint finishes, modernizing the design, providing solar powered lighting, enabling scalability to different sites, enhancing visibility, providing rain protection, and improving passenger comfort. The CRA authorized staff to develop a scope of work and issue a Request for Qualifications for architectural services according to the CCNA procurement process. A budget of $25,000 was ...
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