Extension of Contract for Small Diameter Jack and Bore and Directional Boring Services (NB)
On March 26, 2001, the City Commission authorized staff to enter into a three year contract for small diameter jack and bore and directional boring services with D & D, Inc. These services are used by Energy Delivery, Gas Distribution and Water Distribution for the installation of infrastructure. The Contract provides for two (2) one-year extensions which the City Commission approved the first extension on July 26, 2004 extending the term through April 4, 2005.
D & D has agreed to maintain the current pricing for an additional one year period. Based on the Contractor's performance and the current pricing, staff believes it would be in GRU's best interest to extend the contract for the second available extension.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manger or designee to execute Amendment No. Three to the Contract for small diameter jack and bore and directional boring services with D & D, Inc., extending the term through April 4, 2006; and 2) approve issuance of a purchase order(s) to D & D, Inc. in amounts not exceeding budgeted amounts for the remainder of FY 2005 and FY 2006, subject to the appropriation of funds for FY 2006.
fiscal note
.Funds for these services are included in the FY 2005 budget and will be included in the proposed FY 2006 budget.
Prepared by: David E. Beaulieu, AGM - Energy Delivery
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager