Closed Captioning Services (B)
The City is seeking a qualified firm that can provide high quality, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) approved and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliant, real-time closed captioning services during all live broadcasts of City meetings, select live special events and offline captioning services as needed.
On September 21, 2021, the City’s Procurement Division solicited request for proposal to provide Closed Captioning Services (RFP No. PIOX-220014-SG). One (1) vendor submitted a proposal by the October 26, 2021 deadline.
Live/human captioning is utilized for all broadcast/streamed meetings for the City Commission and advisory boards (approximately 60% of archived videos) as well as non-broadcast meetings such as Digital Access and GCRA meetings (approximately 40%).
Evaluation of the written and technical submittals resulted in an intended recommendation to Florida Captioning Services.
Strategic Connection:
“Best in Class” Neighbor Services
Fiscal Note
The annual cost is included in the Communications Broadcast Unit baseline budget. 2-year contract with three 1-year extensions for a total 2-year price of $126,720, based on an average of 720 hours captioned per year at $88/hour. The previous captioning contracted rate was $82.95/hour.
The City Commission: (1) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a contract with Florida Captioning Services for Closed Captioning Services subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.