Alachua County Legislative Day (B)
The Alachua County Legislative Day planning committee is requesting the City of Gainesville's participation and sponsorship contribution for the April 25, 2007 event.
Annually, Alachua County is represented at the State Capital in Tallahassee during the regular legislative session. This event takes place for one day, which this year will be April 25, 2007. The event includes a visit to Tallahassee by a local delegation comprised of representatives from Alachua County, the City of Gainesville, and other municipalities located within Alachua County. In addition, Alachua County citizens are encouraged to travel to Tallahassee and meet with their legislators. The City of Gainesville will have the opportunity to set-up a display inside the Capitol to promote the City, showcase programs, and further its legislative priorities.
A request has been made on behalf of the Alachua County Legislative Day planning committee for the City of Gainesville to contribute a sponsor contribution of $750.00. The funds are to be used to provide transportation, food, and literature generated for the event.
Fiscal Note
$750.00 is requested to provide the City of Gainesville's sponsor contribution. $375.00 will be allocated from the City Manager contingency fund and the remaining $375.00 will be budgeted from Economic Development.
The City Commission approve the request for the $750.00 sponsor contribution to be used for Alachua County Legislative Day activities.
Alternative Recommendation
The City Commission deny the request for the $750.00 sponsor contribution and not participate in Alachua County Legislative Day.