Legal Office Expenses from State Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund (NB)
The requested funding is needed to cover the Gainesville Police Department Legal Office expenses related to case filing fees, research, publication requirements and storage fees on the seized property for FY 2004-2005.
Fiscal Note
The $10,000 expenses are necessary in the processing of forfeiture cases. If this request is not paid from the Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund, it would need to come from the general fund. Funds are currently available in the State Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund account and is allowable under F.S. 932.7055(4)(a). The balance in the account is $14,503.00.
The City Commission authorize the Gainesville Police Department to appropriate $10,000 from the State Forfeiture Fund balance account (108-2710) into line item 108-810-H105-5210-3910.