Contract for Design Services for the Sixth Street Corridor Rail Trail Project (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the City Manager to execute the design services contract with Volkert & Associates and issue the associated purchase order for the Sixth Street Corridor Rail Trail Project.
Several years ago, the City of Gainesville secured design services for the Rail Trail projects, both the Downtown Connector and the Sixth Street Corridor, with Volkert & Associates. The design and construction of the Downtown Connector Rail Trail project has been completed. The Sixth Street Corridor Rail Trail Project has been delayed due to issues with the State's purchase of the CSX abandoned rail right of way. With the State purchase imminent and the lease between the City of Gainesville and the State to allow the City to construct, operate, and maintain a rail trail facility on that right-of-way to immediately follow the land purchase, provisions for the City of Gainesville to initiate the rail trail project are appropriate. Staff has negotiated the design scope of services and compensation with Volkert & Associates.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $227,993.66 is available in the FFGFC 02 Capital Project Fund.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission authorizes the City Manager or designee to execute a contract for professional services in an amount not to exceed $227,993.66, including all contract documents and other necessary documents subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality, contingent upon the City of Gainesville obtaining the required land rights from the State of Florida to construct, operate, and maintain a rail trail facility on the rail right-of-way.