A Resolution Designating Jennifer L. Hunt, Utility Chief Financial Officer, as an Authorized Officer of the City for the Purpose of Taking Such Actions Permitted to be Taken by an Authorized Officer; Authorizing Ms. Hunt to Take Any and All Actions Pursuant to the Utilities System Revenue Bond Resolution, as Supplemented and Amended; and Providing an Immediate Effective Date (B)
Kim C. Simpson, utility Chief Financial Officer (CFO) retired May 24, 2004. Jennifer L. Hunt, Managing Utility Analyst, filled the position on an interim basis while recruitment of Mr. Simpson's successor was conducted. Following an extensive national search, Ms. Hunt, the successful candidate, was appointed as CFO on August 19, 2004. Your legal staff recommends that in order for Ms. Hunt to have the full legal authority to fulfill all her duties associated with the outstanding debt of the Utilities System, she should be formally designated as an Authorized Officer under the provisions of the Utilities System Revenue Bond Resolution, dated June 6, 1983, as amended and supplemented.
The City Commission adopt the proposed Resolution.
Prepared by: Raymond O. Manasco, Jr., Utilities Attorney
Submitted By: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager