Professional Design Services for Depot Building Rehabilitation (B)
In December 2008, the CRA issued a request for statement of qualifications to obtain professional design services for the Depot Building Rehabilitation. Eight firms responded to the RFQ, and on January 27, 2009, CRA staff met to evaluate and rank their written proposals. The top four ranked firms were then invited to present their qualifications to the selection committee on February 11th. From these presentations, staff ranked the firms in order of qualifications. The firms are, in order of ranking, Bender & Associates Architects, 4M Design Group PA, Atelier, and Robert E. Taylor.
CRA Project Number is DRAB-08-RP-2008
Fiscal Note
There is $165,922.10 available in CRA account 610-W236-W42 (Depot Building Rehabilitation), and $627,679.00 available in account 328-790-735-M500-4230-5190.
CRA Executive Director to the CRA: 1) Approve ranking of consultants; and 2) authorize the Executive Director to execute contracts for professional design services with the top-ranked firm; 3) if negotiations do not end with a contract with top-ranked firm, authorize Executive Director to enter negotiations with the second firm in order of ranking.