Petition 48SUB-01DB. (Quasi-Judicial) Final plat approval of the Hillcrest Residential Planned Development, located in the vicinity of the 5000 block of Northwest 8th Avenue, north side.(B)
On February 12, 2001, the City Commission adopted an ordinance (Ordinance No. 000014) rezoning the subject property from RSF-1 (3.5 units/acre single-family residential district) to PD (planned development district). The underlying land use is SF (up to eight units per acre). The ordinance allows the construction of detached, single-family residential dwelling units on the subject property at a maximum density of five dwelling units per acre. The minimum density allowed is 4.28 dwelling units per acre. The ordinance also includes conditions, dimensional requirements and design guidelines that regulate how the subject property can be developed.
On May 10, 2001, the Development Review Board considered a request to approve a design plat of the Hillcrest Residential Planned Development. The design plat involves the development of 64 lots on 13.56 acres, more or less, at a density of 4.72 dwelling units per acre. The design plat includes paved rights-of-way, sidewalks, stormwater facilities, and common areas that include paved alleys and open space. Landscape material will be provided in these areas for shade, aesthetic reasons and to serve as a perimeter buffer. By a vote of 6-0, the Development Review Board approved Petition 48SUB-01DB with staff conditions, plus the following: The petitioner shall consider the impacts of clay and radon during construction, and a note to this effect shall be provided on the design plat, construction drawings and final plat for consideration by home builders. On June 11, 2001, the City Commission approved the design plat with the aforementioned conditions.
Since the City Commission approved the design plat, the petitioner has reduced the number of proposed lots from 64, at 4.72 dwelling units per acre...
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