Amend Future Land Use Map from SF to RM for Saul Silber Properties (B)
Petition 193LUC-06 PB. Saul Silber. Amend the City of Gainesville 2000-2010 Future Land Use Map from SF (Single-family, up to 8 units per acre) to RM (Residential Medium Density, 8-30 units per acre. Located at 400 Northeast 11th Street, 410 Northeast 11th Street and 401 Northeast 10th Street. Related to Petition 194 ZON-06 PB.
The subject property is 1.4 acres and is currently developed with a multi-family housing with 20 dwelling units.
The property currently has single-family residential land use. The property was changed to single-family from multi-family in the early 1980s. This petition would make the existing multi-family housing on the property conform with the land use of the property.
Existing, surrounding development consists of single-family and multi-family homes and apartments. This petition is related to Petition 194ZON-06PB, which proposes residential multi-family zoning that is consistent with the proposed land use category.
The Plan Board heard the petition and recommended that it be denied based on the fact that the Board did not believe elimination of a landlord license fee was sufficient justification for changing land use and zoning. However, the Board recommends that the City Commission consider waiving landlord licenses for non-conforming multiple-family housing in areas with single-family zoning.
Given that it may not be legally possible to waive the landlord license fee for the property owner, an alternative would be a land use change to Residential-Low (RL), up to 12 units per acre, and a zoning change to RMF-5 (12 units per acre, single-family/multiple-family residential district) as a way of addressing the issues on this property since it is already developed as multi-family.
This alternative would allow the property to be treated as a multi-family development, with no landlord fee for each unit, while restricting f...
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