Neighborhood Planning Program Update (B)
In 1998, the Pilot Neighborhood Planning Program designated two neighborhoods for participation, the Duval Neighborhood and the Grove Street Neighborhood, and allocated grant funds for neighborhood projects in City right-of-way or on City-owned property. In 1999, two additional neighborhoods were added to the program, the Lincoln Estates and Hibiscus Park neighborhoods. The purpose of the Neighborhood Planning Program is to work with a particular neighborhood for approximately one to two years to assist them in developing a Neighborhood Action Plan, facilitate neighborhood organization, if needed, and to implement projects with $15,000 dollars allocated by the City Commission. The Lincoln Estates and Hibiscus Park neighborhoods have both developed Neighborhood Action Plans, which address issues such as infrastructure and traffic, neighborhood beautification and appearance, codes enforcement, and neighborhood policing and organization. Staff held workshop sessions with each neighborhood, as outlined in the Neighborhood Action Plans, to identify goals and strategies for each major topic, and to address immediate neighborhood issues. The Lincoln Estates neighborhood is a well-organized group that has been meeting for a number of years. The Hibiscus Park neighborhood did not have an organized group when staff began working with the neighborhood, however, the neighborhood has since developed strong leadership and a core group of homeowners who actively participate.
The Lincoln Estates Neighborhood has many concerns related to code enforcement and policing, and representatives from the Code Enforcement Division and the Gainesville Police Department attend every meeting to address neighborhood concerns. The Lincoln Estates Neighborhood decided to spend the majority of their neighborhood grant funds on improving the entrance area to the Southeast Boys Club. The entrance to the Club does not incl...
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