21st Century Community Learning Center Interlocal Agreement with School Board of Alachua County (NB)
This item involves the City of Gainesville receiving $247,165 in Year 5 grant funds from the School Board for the City's 21st Century Learning Centers. One 21st Century Learning Center is located at the Eastside Recreation Community Center and the other at the Reichert House.
In 2004, the Alachua County School Board received a five-year, $2.9 million grant for after school and summer programs for children in the eastern part of the County. The award is from the State of Florida Department of Education under the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Program. The grant is entering into Year 5 which began July 1, 2008 and ends June 30, 2009.
For Year 5, the grant award provides $247,165 for the City to provide programming for 21st Century Community Learning Centers at two City-owned facilities, the Eastside Recreation Community Center and the Reichert House. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers have three objectives:
1) To increase the number of students who meet the grade level expectations in reading for the Sunshine State Standards;
2) To provide students with enriching, supervised activities that promote their positive development, improve school attendance, and decrease youth crime; and
3) To increase the school involvement of the families of participating students.
To meet these objectives, the City will provide after school and summer programs at the Eastside Recreation Community Center and the Reichert House.
Fiscal Note
Funds will be available to the City in the amount of $247,165 upon execution of the Interlocal Agreement. In Year 5 of the grant, the City is required to provide matching funds (cash or in-kind) in the amount of $61,791. The Gainesville Police Department will provide $37,037 in match with in-kind services. The Parks and Recreation Department will provide $24,754 in cash fro...
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