Final Plat - Madera Phase III (B)
Petition 82SUB-01DB Phase III, (Quasi-Judicial). Causseaux and Ellington, Inc., agent for Duncan Chesapeake, LLD. Final Plat review, Phase III of the Madera Subdivision, consisting of 28 lots on 11.015 acres more or less. Located in the vicinity of SR 331 (Williston Road) and Southwest 21st Street, North Side. Zoned: RSF-1, Single-Family Residential.
This is a request for conversion of conditional final plat of Phase III of Madera Cluster Subdivision, to a final plat. The phase consists of twenty-eight lots on 11.015 acres. The land was annexed by the City of Gainesville in April of 2000. The petition was reviewed under Alachua County regulations for cluster subdivisions and the Idylwild/Serenola Special Area Plan.
The City Commission approved the conditional plat for Phase III on July 28, 2003. Since conditional approval, required improvements have been under construction. Public Works has reviewed the development and determined that the improvements are acceptable at its current stage. The property has changed ownership and the proper documents have been reviewed to reflect the change of ownership.
Fiscal Note
Planning Staff to City Commission - The City Commission adopt the following resolution: A Resolution approving the final plat of "Madera Cluster Development, Phase III", located in the general vicinity of Williston Road (north side), a/k/a S.R. 331, between Southwest 21st Street and Southwest 23rd Terrace; authorizing the City Manager or designee, to execute a Subdivision Improvement Surety Agreement to secure the construction of improvements; providing directions to the Clerk of the Commission; and providing an immediate effective date.