Approval of the CRA 04-05 Operating/ Project Budget Resolution (B)
The City of Gainesville follows a two-year budget cycle and over the past several months the Advisory Boards have been asked to review and recommend operating/project budgets to the CRA for Fiscal Years 04-05 and 05-06. While for planning purposes a two-year budget is projected, it should be noted that by Florida Statute the CRA is required "to adopt a budget by resolution each fiscal year."
Each year's budget is based on a conservative estimate of the increment for that year. During this budget cycle the increment is projected at a 5% increase each year. When the actual increment figure is received in December of each year the CRA moves through an amendatory process to allocate any additional funds received.
The Advisory Boards are recommending that more personnel time be budgeted in the CRA districts, and that a reallocation of existing CRA staff time be created that allows for better use of resources. The CPUH Board is recommending a full time project coordinator position be added to handle projects within their district. Over the past several years the increment in CPUH has reached nearly $800,000 annually and the potential for projects has greatly increased. At the same time DRAB is asking that a half time project coordinator be added to handle projects within their district. With the addition of staff to focus on CPUH and DRAB the boards are recommending that more of the CRA Manager time be allocated to the FAPS and Eastside District. At present the CRA has a full time CRA Manager, 2 part time project coordinators, a full time staff assistant and over the course of the past year has used interns from UF and externs for the Law School to build capacity within the division.
Several years ago the CRA discussed the possibility of the CRA offices moving out of the Thomas Center into a larger space. As the CRA has added paid staff and begun ...
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