Florida Certified Organic Growers Request for "Edible Gardens" (B)
This item involves closure of a referral to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee regarding Florida Organic Growers' request to utilize City property for "Edible Gardens."
On March 22, 2010, City staff met with individuals interested in developing community and edible gardens on public properties to be used as youth education and job training areas that provide fresh local food for food banks and pantries, the homeless and other low-income residents. During this meeting, a request was received from the Florida Organic Growers (FOG) to utilize the City Hall grass area near the clock tower for an edible garden.
On July 1, 2010, this matter was referred by the City Commission to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee for further review and discussion. FOG representative Christine Hale, Director of Education and Outreach, provided a proposal for an "edible park" to be located at City Hall.
On September 13th, Ms. Hale provided a presentation to the Committee, which adopted a motion that staff work with Budget and Finance to identify funds for the project, and with the City Attorney's office to draft an agreement between the City and FOG, to be brought back to the City Commission.
Staff has developed a License for Use of Property Agreement, which will enable FOG to utilize the property as described in their proposal, and funding has been identified for the City's costs associated with the proposal.
Fiscal Note
A $1,000 one time cost and $65 yearly costs to cover the expenses for this project have been identified in the City's General Fund operating budget.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the "License for Use of Property" agreement with Florida Organic Growers, Inc.; and 2) remove this item from the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee p...
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