Stephen Foster Neighborhood Speed Tables (B)
This item was forwarded back to the Committee for further discussion as requested by a representative from the Stephen Foster neighborhood.
A representative from the Stephen Foster neighborhood requested several changes to the traffic control signs along NW 30th Avenue between NW 6th Street and NW 13th Street. Representatives from the Public Works Department met with the neighborhood representative on site to discuss the requested changes. Public Works was able to implement the requested changes except for relocating a speed hump sign. The speed hump sign relocation conflicted with the access to a United States Postal Service mailbox. The neighborhood representative offered to work with the Postal Service to relocate the mailbox. If the mailbox and its access zone are relocated, Public Works will move the speed hump sign to the location requested.
. Fiscal Note
There is no materials cost to relocate the sign.
The Recreation, Cultural Affairs, and Public Works Committee hear staff report.