Bleacher Replacements (B)
In the FY 2002 budget, $50,000 was allocated to replace wood bleachers in City parks. These bleachers are over 25-years old and do not conform to the latest safety standards as recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition, all of the current bleacher boards are treated with Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA). The replacement bleachers will be galvanized frames with aluminum foot and seat boards. They are no higher than 5 rows, which are actually 5 rows less than what is being replaced. This will enhance the safety of the bleachers with respect to falling. The new bleachers will have a safety back and partial side rail system to prevent falls from the back or side of the top rows. Concrete pads will be installed prior to the installation of the bleachers. This will provide an area that will be easy to maintain, free from mud, and will have two wide side areas for wheelchairs. Quotations were received by the Parks Division from two vendors, with Contract Connection being the lowest bidder. It is anticipated that all of the existing bleachers will be replaced by September 30, 2002.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the FY 2002 Parks Division budget (Capital Account - 001-850-8560-5390-6040).
The City Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Contract Connection in an amount not to exceed $34,148.00, for 16 sets of bleachers.