Bid Award - Traffic Signal Installation at NW 53rd Avenue and NW 37th Street (B)
The City of Gainesville and Alachua County have entered into an interlocal agreement for the installation of a mast arm traffic signal system at NW 53rd Avenue and NW 37th Street (Mile Run Subdivision entrance). Alachua County has agreed to pay half of the project construction costs up to but not exceeding $50,000 and the City will pay the remaining costs.
The Purchasing Division solicited bids from 15 vendors for the installation of a mast arm traffic signal system and related appurtenances at the intersection of NW 53rd Avenue and NW 37th Street (entrance to Mile Run Subdivision). Work also includes installation and removal of related pavement markings. Three vendors responded. Staff recommends awarding the bid to PAH Constructors, Inc., the low qualified bidder.
Fiscal Note
The estimated cost of the project is $89,104.10. Alachua County has agreed to pay half of the project construction costs up to but not exceeding $50,000.00. The estimated remaining $44,552.05 is available in the Public Works Department's Traffic Signals Capital Account.
The City Commission: 1) approve the award of the contract for installation of a traffic signal at NW 53rd Avenue and NW 37th Street (Mile Run Subdivision entrance) to PAH Constructors, Inc.; 2) authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the contract, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 3) authorize the issuance of a purchase order to PAH Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $89,104.10.