Referral Item #090168 - Efficacy and Safety of Fluoridating our Public Water Supply (NB)
This item is in reference to Regional Utilities Committee referral #090168 concerning the efficacy and safety of fluoridating our public water supply.
This issue was discussed at length by the Regional Utilities Committee (RUC), GRU staff and interested citizens at the RUC meetings held on September 10 and October 8, 2009. At the October 8, 2009 meeting the RUC voted to recommend that the current policy regarding fluoridation of the water supply be continued and that this item be removed from the referral list.
The City Commission accept the Regional Utilities Committee's recommendation to continue the current policy regarding fluoridation of the City's water supply and remove this item from the referral list.
Prepared by Robert E Hunzinger, General Manager
Submitted by the Regional Utilities Committee