Gainesville Airbase Landfill and Burn Site Compliance Phase XI (B)
On December 23, 1986, the City of Gainesville entered into two Consent Orders with the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), related to the Gainesville Airbase Landfill and Burn Site located at the Gainesville Regional Airport. Beginning in 1991 and continuing to the present, quarterly sampling of five wells has been performed as required by FDEP.
Phase XI will include the continuation of quarterly monitoring of five wells. The proposed effort includes collection of one sample from each well and a complete round of water level measurements per quarter. The compliance activities associated with the Consent Orders are included in the Public Works Department's current approved work plan.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute Addendum No. 11 to the Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Gainesville and Harding ESE, Inc. (formerly Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.) in the amount of $15,853.00 (new not-to-exceed amount of $427,052.00), in order to implement Phase XI of the activities associated with the Gainesville Airbase Landfill and Burn Site Consent Orders, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.