Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Funded Projects (NB)
This item is a request to authorize the City Manager to award equipment bids, execute purchase orders, award construction bids and to execute construction contracts and related documents.
The City of Gainesville Public Works Department has been designated to receive funding from the EECBG for two (2) projects - the LED traffic signal replacement and LED streetlight pilot replacement.
The LED traffic signal will include replacement of incandescent traffic signal bulbs with LED traffic signals at all locations within the City limits that currently do not contain LED lamps. The equipment will be competitively bid and then installed by City staff.
The LED streetlight replacement pilot study area is the SE 1st Street corridor between SE 1st Avenue and SE 2nd Place and the study period is two (2) years. All existing pedestrian level lighting (coach and traditional) will be replaced with LED lights. The lights will be evaluated for function, cost effectiveness and useful life over the two-year study period. The equipment and the labor will be competitively bid and subsequent monitoring will be performed by City staff.
Federal, State and City officials are requesting we initiate these two projects quickly so the study can be completed with the established timeline.
Fiscal Note
The EECBG requires a cost share by the city in the amount of $91,804 ($3,954 for streetlights and $87,850 for Traffic Signals) that will be provided through in-kind services from the Public Works FY10 operating budget for equipment purchase and labor to install the equipment.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager to award the bids for the two (2) EECBG funded projects (the LED Traffic Signal replacement and the LED street light pilot) to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, provided the b...
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