Fourth Extension to the Contract for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services for FY 2008 (B)
This item involves an extension to the Contract for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc., and Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc.
The contract dated May 25, 2004, First Amendment dated August 20, 2004, First Extension dated February 14, 2005, Second Extension dated September 13, 2005, and Third Extension dated December 19, 2006, with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc., and the contract dated June 4, 2004, First Extension dated February 19, 2005, Second Extension dated effective October 1, 2005, and Third Extension dated January 16, 2007, with Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc., for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services expires on September 30, 2007. These firms have responded to the City's requests for services promptly and their services have been reliable and accurate.
The Contracts allow for five one-year extensions on each contract. This is the fourth request for extensions.
Fiscal Note
Funding sources will be identified as needed through the Public Works Department fiscal year operating budget and the City's Capital Improvement Plan capital project accounts. Compensation rates have been revised in both contracts to reflect current industry standards.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Fourth Extension to the contracts with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. and Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc. for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services, extending the term of the contract from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission reject the recommendation for the Fourth Extensions and direct the City Manager to secure the services of individual firms on a project-by-project basis. This would result in project delays and additional ad...
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