Student Community Relations Advisory Board (SCRAB) Recommendations for Enhancing Solid Waste Awareness (NB)
This item requests that the City Commission review SCRAB suggestions regarding handling of solid waste, especially during student move in/move out periods and refer the issue to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee for further review.
The SCRAB met with Steve Joplin, Solid Waste Manager on several occasions (October 24, 2007, February 21, 2008, and March 20, 2008) to discuss ways of improving solid waste issues during student move in/move out periods. After extensive brainstorming, the following suggestions emerged:
1. Have residences cover the cost of uncollected trash through either a GRU deposit, or bill the applicant at the time of roll out.
- Annually affix a decal to trash containers to inform residents of proper move-out procedures.
2. Include in the next solid waste disposal contract RFP:
- More flexibility throughout the contract period to include recommendations from the City Commission about possible improvements in service.
- Provide a mechanism for increased and affordable access to roll-away bins for single-family residential neighborhoods during peak move in/move out times.
3. Greater education and awareness for Gainesville area residences on proper trash procedures by interfacing with various stakeholders, including but not limited to, realtors and apartment associations through an informational package through GRU.
Fiscal Note
Funding needs will be determined during the committee's review.
Student Community Relations Advisory Board to the City Commission: Assign the recommendations to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee for further review.
Recommendation A: The City Commission take no action on the recommendations.