Resolution for a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement for the design and construction of NE 19th Street / NE 19th Terrace from NE 3rd Avenue to NE 8th Avenue (B)
This item involves a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a LAP Agreement between the City of Gainesville and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the design and construction of NE 19th Street / NE 19th Terrace from NE 3rd Avenue to NE 8th Avenue in the amount of $705,000.
LAP agreements between the City and the FDOT authorize the City to design and construct local projects in advance of the FDOT's scheheduled work program. The City provides the initial funding and is reimbursed for the project costs during the fiscal year FDOT has the project scheduled in their work program.
This Agreement with the FDOT is for the design and construction phase for the NE 19th Street / NE 19th Terrace project.
Fiscal Note
The LAP Agreement provides up to $705,000 for the design and construction.
The City Commission: 1) adopt the Resolution; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute a LAP Agreement for the design and construction of NE 19th Street / NE 19th Terrace from NE 3rd Avenue to NE 8th Avenue.