Smokey Bear Park Acquisition (B)
This item involves an update on the proposed acquisition of the State's Division of Forestry property known as Smokey Bear Park located at the corner of NE 15th Street and NE 23rd Avenue.
On August 22, 2005, the City Commission heard a request to exchange a portion (10 acres) of the City-owned Wacahoota property with the State's Division of Forestry (DOF) property known as Smokey Bear Park. Smokey Bear Park consists of 9.83 acres of park land with an office complex, and a vehicle and maintenance compound located at the corner of NE 15th Street and NE 23rd Avenue. The matter was referred to the Recreation and Cultural Affairs Committee (now know as the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee). In their referral, the City Commission specifically directed that staff bring back additional information on the proposed exchange and "that Alachua County Forever be given the opportunity to express their interest in the Wacahoota property."
On December 12, 2005, the City Commission heard the Committee report and approved a motion that indicated the City's intent to move forward with the exchange with DOF, unless the property were to be acquired through Alachua County Forever. However; on January 22, 2007, the City Commission directed staff to work with Alachua County Forever for the sale of the entire Wacahoota site, so the property exchange between the City of Gainesville and DOF did not occur.
During that time, City staff communicated in writing with DOF regarding the City's continued interest in acquiring the Smokey Bear Park property once it became available. Since that time, the DOF has acquired other lands for their new forestry office and is ready to surplus the property. During the discussion concerning the property exchange, the DOF property had an appraised value of $449,000 as of September 2005. City staff is currently working with DOF and received a revised appraised price of ...
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