Amendment of City Personnel Policies (B)
This item relates to the proposed amendment of Personnel Policy 19, Disciplinary Procedures, and Personnel Policy 20, Grievances, in order to make these policies consistent with Ordinance No. 0-06-08, adopted at first reading on November 28, 2005.
Upon the adoption of Ordinance No. 0-06-08, certain of the City's personnel policies are not consistent with this ordinance as drafted. Staff is recommending that Personnel Policy 19 and Personnel Policy 20 be amended to eliminate this inconsistency.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission authorize:
1) The amendment of Personnel Policy 19, Section II, by adding the following sentence: "When a position has become designated as a Director of a Department (Article III of the City Charter), the provisions of this Policy 19 shall no longer be applicable to employees holding such position as a regular employee, except that such employee shall remain protected by the provisions of Section 3(G)".
2) The amendment of Personnel Policy 19 Section 3(G), in its entirety, to read as follows: A. Employees are protected against reprisal for the lawful disclosure of information which the employees reasonably believes evidences: 1. Violation of any law, rule, policy, or regulation, or 2. Mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.
Any such disclosure shall be submitted directly to the City Manager for investigation and may be submitted verbally or in writing. In the event the disclosure involves a Charter Officer such disclosure shall be submitted to any member of the City Commission. The name of the employee making such disclosure shall not be unreasonably revealed.
3) The amendment of Personnel Policy 20, in its entirety to read as follows:
I. Policy:
The City will maintain a grievance procedure to provide full opportunity to emplo...
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