Appointment - Gainesville/Alachua County Cultural Affairs Board (NB)
The City Commission reappoint Mildred A. Calvert to a term on the Gainesville/Alachua County Cultural Affairs Board to expire September 30, 2004 and appoint Melvin R. Powell to a vacancy to expire September 30, 2003.
Commissioner John Barrow - Melvin R. Powell and Mildred A. Calvert
Commissioner Chuck Chestnut - Melvin R. Powell and Mildred A. Calvert
Commissioner Warren Nielsen - Mildred A. Calvert and Mansoor M. Javed
Mayor Commissioner Pro Tem Pegeen Hanrahan - James B. Harper and Mildred A. Calvert
Mayor Tom Bussing - Melvin R. Powell and Mildred A. Calvert