Community Development Committee - City Commission Vision Statement (B)
This item provides a Community Development Committee recommended City Commission Vision Statement and alternative for consideration by the City Commission.
At a City Commission Strategic Planning Retreat conducted last year, the Commission indicated an interest in pursuing a City Commission derived Vision Statement. Since that time, a City Commission workshop was held on the topic and the matter was referred to the Community Development Committee.
The Committee worked on a Vision statement over the last several months that resulted in the following recommendation: "Gainesville will be a safe, supportive, vibrant City, in a healthy relationship with our region, where we live near recreation, wilderness, commerce and schools."
Alternatively, the following is presented to the City Commission for consideration as well: "Gainesville will be a vibrant City in healthy economic, social and environmental relationship with our region, where we each live in a safe and supportive community near recreation, wilderness, shopping and our schools and jobs."
Fiscal Note
No fiscal Impact.
The City Commission: 1) consider the Committee's recommended and alternative Vision Statement; 2) direct staff to explore the manner in which the Vision Statement can be incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan; and, 3) remove this item from the CDC referral list.