Recommendation for Award of Contract for Energy Efficiency Upgrades to Anglin Construction (B)
This item involves a request to award the contract for energy efficiency upgrades at various City buildings to Anglin Construction.
In preparation for major upgrades to the heating and air conditioning systems at City Hall, Thomas Center and the Old Library Building, staff requested bids to perform prerequisite tasks to these buildings to insure maximum efficiencies. Prerequisite tasks include the replacement of electric motors, insulation, window tinting, etc. Bids were sent out via Demand Star with six (6) firms attending the mandatory Pre-bid meeting. Two (2) firms responded with Anglin Construction Company being the low responsive bidder.
Fiscal Note
The General Services Department has funds in the amount of $324,200 available in various Capital Projects accounts for FY 08.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) award the contract for Energy Efficiency Upgrades to Anglin Construction and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract pending approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission can deny this request and require General Services to put this work back out to bid.