Interlocal Agreement with Alachua County Sheriff for Administration of the City's False Alarm Ordinances (B)
The City of Gainesville has passed ordinances regulating burglar and fire alarms that established a registration fee and fine system for false alarms. Administration of the burglar and fire alarm ordinance would be an integral function of the Combined Communications Center. This Agreement shall supercede the Interlocal agreement between the City of Gainesville, Alachua County Sheriff, along with Alachua County for a Combined Communications Center recorded September 19, 2000.
The Sheriff agrees to implement and administer respective Ordinance Numbers 980475 and 021198 and amendments thereto. Said implementation and administration will be done through the False Alarm Reduction Unit (FARU), which is a function of the Combined Communications Center.
Fiscal Note
The Alachua County Sheriff agrees to provide to the City Manager by November 1st of each year during this Agreement a statement of the previous fiscal year's revenue items and expense items. Revenue will include interest earned on City funds. Expense items will include half the expenses and operating costs specified in the Agreement. If the City's revenues, less the City's share of expenses are positive, that amount will be paid by the Alachua County Sheriff with the fiscal year report. If the City's revenues, less the City's share of expenses are negative, the City will pay the difference to the Alachua County Sheriff within 30 days of being notified of such deficiency.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement with the Alachua County Sheriff, and any other necessary documents, pending review by the City Attorney as to form and legality.