Florida Food Service, Inc. - Proposed Option and Purchase and Sales Agreement to Facilitate Expansion (B)
On January 13, 1997, the City Commission approved a Contract for Purchase and Sale and Option Agreement with Florida Food Service, Inc for property located in the City's Airport Industrial Park. The Contract stipulated that Florida Food Service, Inc would purchase 6.94 acres of land with an Option to purchase an additional 3.47 acres of land at a future date (within five (5) years of closing on the original 6.94 acres).
On July 13, 2005, City of Gainesville staff received communication from Florida Food Service, Inc indicating an interest in exercising the Option on property (Lot 12) in order to facilitate future expansion plans. Per the Contract for Purchase and Sale and Option Agreement and subsequent amendment, the closing on the original Option is intended to occur within sixty days of written notification. The City Commission authorized the Mayor and appropriate City staff to execute all documents to facilitate the exercise of Option on Lot 12 on August 8, 2005.
Recently, Florida Food Service, Inc indicated an interest in acquiring an additional piece of Airport Industrial Park property designed to further facilitate its proposed expansion. The property is comprised of approximately 3.51 acres and lies adjacent to the east of Lots 12 and 13. The property is reported to have suffered environmental contamination generated by property immediately adjacent to the north. City staff has worked with the City Attorney's office to craft language that would indemnify the Purchaser from preexisting environmental conditions. This additional property is planned to be utilized for access and parking associated with the primary food distribution business.
In the interests of timeliness, the proposed project was conceptually reviewed and approved by the Gainesville Alachua County Airport Authority (GACRAA) on September 15, 2005....
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