Extension of Contract for Customer Bulletin (NB)
Staff is requesting to execute an amendment to the contract with Beechler Waters Commercial Printers and Mailers for printing the Customer Bulletin.
The Customer Bulletin reaches over 87,000 households and businesses each month and is one of the most important and successful tools used by the utility to communicate with its customers. Information regarding products and services, safety tips, energy and water conservation measures, vital and/or legally required information and community news is included in the bulletin.
A three-year contract with Beechler Waters Commercial Printers and Mailers was approved by the City Commission on October 14, 2002. The contract provides for two one year extensions upon negotiation of the contract pricing. The printing company has provided good service while maintaining its original bid price. Beechler Waters Commercial Printers and Mailers, a local small business, has agreed to extend the contract under the same pricing for one year.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute an amendment to the contract with Beechler Waters Commercial Printers and Mailers, subject to approval of the City attorney as to form and legality, for printing the Customer Bulletin and approve the issuance of a purchase order to Beechler Waters Commercial Printers and Mailers in an amount not-to-exceed $72,000.
Fiscal Note
Funding for printing the Customer Bulletin is included in the Communications Department's budget for FY 2006.
Prepared by: Kathy Viehe, Communications Director
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager