Acquisition of Two Parcels for NE 19th Terrace Reconstruction Project (B)
This item involves an acquisition of two parcels of property in the amount of $60,042 to be used as right-of-way needed for the NE 19th Terrace Reconstruction Project.
The City must acquire property for right-of-way for the NE 19th Terrace Reconstruction Project. Edmon Mack, the owner of Tax Parcel 10733-001-000 located at 927 NE 19th Terrace and Tax Parcel 10733-012-000 located at 921 NE 19th Terrace, has agreed to sell these parcels to the City for $60,042. Both parcels are currently rental properties. The City needs to acquire both parcels to provide sufficient right-of-way for the reconstruction project.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this acquisition in the amount of $60,042 is available in Fund 323 in the NE 8th Avenue to NE 12th Avenue Connector Road Reconstruction Project account.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the acquisition of Tax Parcel 10733-001-000 located at 927 NE 19th Terrace and Tax Parcel 10733-012-000 located at 921 NE 19th Terrace from Edmon Mack for the purchase price of $60,042; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute any and all related documents for the acquisition of this property, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny the request for acquisition of Tax Parcel 10733-001-000 located at 927 NE 19th Terrace and Tax Parcel 10733-012-000 located at 921 NE 19th Terrace from Edmon Mack for the purchase price of $60,042 and abandon the NE 19th Terrace Reconstruction Project. If this request is denied, the funds for this acquisition would remain available in the road reconstruction project account.