Request to Approve and Authorize an Easement to AT&T (B)
AT&T easement associated with the South Main Street project.
On December 19, 2007, the City of Gainesville granted a Utility Easement to AT&T Corporation. That easement is located on the southwest corner of Depot Park, adjacent to South Main Street. During the South Main Street renovations it became necessary to relocate the front fence of the easement area to the east for installation of the sidewalk. AT&T has agreed to release the original Easement, recorded in Book 3732, and page 1258 of the Public Records of Alachua County, Florida, in exchange for a new Easement of the same area. Staff recommends approval and authorization of the new Easement.
Fiscal Note
County recording fees not to exceed $50. The funding for this expense will be encumbered from the CRA CPUH account # W752.
The City Commission: 1) approve the grant of the Utility Easement to AT&T Corporation and; 2) authorize the Mayor to execute the Utility Easement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality