Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for Hurricane Irma Disaster Declaration FEMA 4337-DR-FL(B)
This item is a request for City Commission approval to apply for Hazard Mitigation Grants.
FEMA has estimated that $2,044,645 will be allocated to Alachua County for Hazard Mitigation Program (HMGP) grants under Hurricane Irma Disaster Declaration, FEMA-4337-DR-FL. The City of Gainesville identified six potential projects and submitted them to the Alachua County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) working group for review and ranking. Three of the six projects were given funding priority by the LMS. A fourth Gainesville project was placed on the Secondary project list. The secondary projects are eligible for funding if projects on the Priority list are determined by FEMA to be ineligible. Gainesville’s priority projects include the Florida Park Berm, the Mason Manner Flood Wall and the Clear Lake Buyout. Gainesville’s Secondary project is City of Gainesville Airport Runway Creek Stabilization.
Fiscal Note
The total estimated cost of the HMGP projects is $2,560,000. The estimated Federal cost share will be 75% or $1,920,000. The City cost share is estimated to be 25% or $640,000. The source of the City cost share will be the undesignated Stormwater Utility Fund balance.
The City Commission: 1) authorize staff to complete applications for HMGP grant funding; and 2) authorize the Mayor to sign the HMGP grant applications.