2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (B)
Update on the City of Gainesville's activities related to the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Since the creation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 2009, staff has been monitoring grant funds that have been allocated to the city via formula based programs as well as reviewing and applying for competitive grant opportunities as they become available. Projects funded by ARRA programs are designed to jump-start the economy, create jobs, reduce operating costs, improve the environment and enhance the quality of life for Gainesville residents. At this time, the city has been notified of formula based funding and competitive grant awards totaling approximately $10 million. The attached backup provides a breakdown of ARRA program funding received by the City of Gainesville and competitive applications that have been submitted but not yet awarded. This information is also available to the public via the city's website.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission receive the 2009 ARRA update.