Acceptance of Florida EMS County Grant Award (B)
This item requests approval to accept $58,000 in reimbursement grant funding from the Florida Department of Health EMS Grant Program to be distributed to the City of Gainesville through Alachua County.
The Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (BEMS), awards funds from the State EMS Trust Fund to boards of county commissioners to improve and enhance pre-hospital emergency medical services in their counties. The annual amount allocated to each county is proportional to the amount of traffic fine surcharges collected in the county as a result of motor vehicle infractions.
Alachua County has been allocated $147,559.00 for the grant period July 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007. Gainesville Fire Rescue (GFR) has requested funding to enhance the City's emergency medical services through the purchase of: 1) one carboxy-methemoglobin monitor to measure patients' carbon monoxide and methemoglobin levels; 2) thermal imagers; 3) four-gas detectors; 4) tactical medic deployment packs; and 5) one enhancement package for the technical rescue equipment cache. The award will provide reimbursement funding, at minimum, of $58,000 for GFR to purchase the equipment.
Fiscal Note
Reimbursement funds will be received from Alachua County in the amount of $58,000, or greater. There is no required match.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to expend the funds for the items requested.
Alternate Recommendation A: The City Commission not authorize the City Manager to expend funds for the items.