North 8th Avenue Resurfacing (B)
The City Commission appropriated $500,000 from the General Roadway Resurfacing Program for resurfacing and traffic calming of North 8th Avenue. Phase 1, from Waldo Road to just east of NE Boulevard, was completed at a cost of $270,000, leaving a balance of $230,000.
A Public meeting was held to discuss Phase 2, from NW 6th Street to NW 23rd Street, and some initial design work has been completed. The estimated cost of Phase 2 is $570,000, which includes milling, resurfacing, some median and curb work, landscaping. The most prevalent concern expressed at the public meeting was noise from the roadway. Staff has attempted to work with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) pavement engineers to explore the possibility of using this section of NW 8th Avenue for use of an experimental 'quiet' pavement. Without sufficient funding available to complete Phase 2 the design work has not been completed.
Phase 3, from NW 23rd Street to NW 34th Street, is estimated at $575,000. This estimate includes milling and resurfacing to a two-lane section with on-street bike lanes and the construction of landscaped medians.
Phase 4, from NW 34th Street to NW 43rd Street, is estimated at $350,000. This estimate is based on milling and resurfacing back to a four-lane section.
Most of NW 8th Avenue west of NW 43rd Street has been resurfaced with the various projects that have taken place over the last several years, so staff is not recommending this section be resurfaced at this time.
There has been a request to provide additional traffic calming/streetscape along NE 8th Avenue east of Waldo Road. An estimated cost is $350,000, which includes milling and resurfacing.
Because this funding was allocated from the General Roadway Resurfacing Account, staff recommends that the remaining funds be put back into the General Resurfacing Account for use in the annual resurfacing program.
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