Implementation of the Countywide Visioning and Planning Committee Recommendations (B)
This item seeks to review implementation efforts associated with the Countywide Visioning and Planning Committee's Countywide Vision and Conceptual Plan over the past two years and seek future direction from the City and County Commissions.
The Countywide Visioning and Planning Committee (CVPC) formally endorsed a countywide vision and conceptual plan on June 29, 2005 and submitted it to the Board of County Commissioners and each municipality for consideration and action. Since that time, annexations by the City of Gainesville and other municipalities have proceeded within their respective, designated Reserve Areas pursuant to the Boundary Adjustment Act. In July 2006, Alachua County hired a consultant to facilitate a joint planning agreement process to address issues related to the preservation and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas in unincorporated, eastern Alachua County. The participating local governments were Alachua County, the City of Gainesville, and the municipalities of Micanopy, Waldo and Hawthorne. A kick-off meeting was held on August 24, 2006, and individual meetings between the consultant and the process participants were subsequently held.
On December 14, 2006, at a meeting in Waldo of representatives of the participating local governments, the consultant reported that she had concluded from the individual meetings that there is common interest in protection of environmentally sensitive areas, particularly those within the County's designated strategic ecosystems. She also reported that she had concluded that the municipalities were not interested in developing joint plans for the unincorporated areas. However, there did appear to be consensus that an interlocal agreement could be an appropriate mechanism for helping protect the above described environmentally sensitive areas, but there was no consensus as t...
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