Local Labor Use (B)
At the April 23, 2001 City Commission Meeting, under Commission Comment, Commissioner Chestnut expressed concern as to whether or not the City had an ordinance requiring contractors or subcontractors that are contracted by the City to use its local people for labor. Commissioner Chestnut stated that the City of Ocala has adopted such an ordinance and recommended that the City of Gainesville do likewise.
At the January 22, 2004 Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee meeting, the Committee recommended a local preference ordinance and directed Administrative Service Director Glenda Currie to provide an explanation sheet for the proposed local preference ordinance.
Fiscal Note
The Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee recommends that the City Commission: 1) direct the City Attorney to draft a local preference ordinance; the Clerk of the Commission to advertise; and 3) to remove this item from the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee referral list.