Future CDBG and HOME Allocation Process (B)
Over the past few months, the Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development (CACCD) has discussed using a modified request for proposals process with a more focused approach to allocating CDBG and HOME funds to outside agencies in the future. The CACCD supports using a focused allocation process and has identified five funding priorities.
In September 2005, staff proposed that we begin focusing the City's CDBG and HOME competitive allocations on priorities that are established in advance by the City. While there is a wide range of projects and programs that are eligible for funding under CDBG and HOME, and the City has certainly funded many different kinds of projects over the years, staff believes there is sufficient interest in beginning a new approach to the City's allocation process. This is especially important as the amount of funding that the City can realistically make available to non-profit outside agencies becomes smaller each year, and HUD begins to emphasize performance and outcomes in the CDBG and HOME Programs.
The positive response that we had during the most recent CDBG and HOME allocation process in specifying that housing proposals be designed to promote the dispersal of affordable housing demonstrates that agencies will respond favorably to an RFP (request for proposal) approach. Therefore, staff is proposing that next year's (FY 2006-07) competitive allocation process for CDBG and HOME be handled in a modified RFP fashion. Certainly, CDBG and HOME basic income and other eligibility criteria are a must, and maximum leverage of other funding would continue to be a high priority. Beyond that, the City would specify in an RFP those kinds of projects or programs that it would consider for funding. Based on recent discussions with staff and the Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development (CACCD), the recommended priorities for CDBG and HOME funding wo...
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